San Jose de Gracia

The San Jose de Gracia project currently includes 34 mining concessions covering 9,920 hectares (approx. 10 Square Miles); and includes:

Underground resources, and near surface resources, primarily gold, at four main areas; Tres Amigos, San Pablo / La Union, and La Purisima.  

We are actively exploring the vast SJG District to expand currently known resource areas and to identify additional resource areas.

Project Overview

DynaResource, through its wholly owned subsidiary DynaMéxico, consolidated 34 individual mining concessions to consolidate the San Jose de Gracia District. We also own full surface rights over the main area of current activity, covering 4,399 hectares. We have also obtained the water rights and operating permits.

To maximize operating efficiency and to increase capacity for our test mining and milling activity, we have invested consistently in our equipment and facilities; and since 2017, we have expended approximately $33.5M USD in non-operating costs consisting primarily of project improvements and expansion.

Two new ball mills have been installed in a newly constructed processing plant facility, which has increased the capacity of the operating facility to over 800 tons per 24-hour day.

Test mining activity has increased from 100 tons per day to current approximately 750 tons per day, and we are currently developing access to an additional test mining area which should increase our test mining volume capacity to over 1,000 tons per 24-hour day in the coming year.

And continuing exploratory drilling in high-priority areas is projected to increase gold resources both underground and near the surface, and is project also to define additional high priority areas for future test mining and expected to define areas of open pit operations as well. 





Culiacan mining district of Sinaloa State, Mexico, at Latitude 26 ̊ , 9’ N, Longitude 107 ̊, 53’ W




Gold-silver concentrates


SJG Project is wholly owned by DynaResource, Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary – DynaResource de Mexico SA de CV (“DynaMéxico”)

Land Position

Approximately 120 kilometers east-northeast of the coastal city of Los Mochis

2022 Production

137,740 tons of material test mine and mill processed.

25,554 Oz gold sold

2023 Production

1985,518 tons of material test mine and mill processed.

24,829 Oz gold sold

2022 Drill Indicated and Inferred Resources

1.050 million Oz gold in near surface resources (March 31, 2023 Resource Estimate compiled under CND NI 43-101).

1.150 million. Oz gold in underground resources (December 31, 2012 Resource Estimate and Technical Report compiled under CND NI 43-101)*.

* Less depletion of test mining conducted during 2016 – 2022.

Continuing exploration to confirm underground resources and near surface resources at SJG, on an annual basis.


The San Jose de Gracia community is home to DynaMéxico activities. We’ve devoted significant capital and resources to ensuring our project is a good neighbor to the surrounding villages to SJG.

Economic Impact

Employees from SJG make a competitive wage to support their families safely and comfortably.

Social Impact
  • DynaResource has constructed and donated a hospital to the SJG community.
  • Contributed funds for repairs and upgrades to the local church and school.
  • Funded and constructed roads within the community and improved and constructed a road from Sinaloa de Leyva to SJG, a distance of over 60 kilometers.
Educational Impact

DynaResource has donated funds to local schools and has contributed to education and business training for adults, creating new opportunities for local residents.

Community Health Impact

We’ve funded and constructed a local medical clinic, and donated the clinic to the SJG community, improving the quality of health care available to the community and surrounding areas.

Our Project
At Work

The project is located in the area surrounding the small mountain village community of San Jose de Gracia in northern Sinaloa state, Mexico.


DynaResource exercises every precaution to maintain a healthy working and social environment.

DynaResource operates within the boundaries of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection to the Environment, the Residues Law, and the 2020 Forestry Law. Our landscape restoration program mitigates our impact on the landscape continuously.

A culture of continuous improvement helps to reduce our environmental footprint. Investing in newer equipment improves energy efficiency and reduces emissions. We strive to reduce waste and use all our resources in an environmentally responsible way.

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